Meet the Mascot: Dr. Chip Codewell

Posted on 2025-03-24T17:18:00Z

You might have noticed the bespectacled gentleman wearing the lab coat. That’s Dr. Chip Codewell, the company mascot. Chip has been ever-present since Railgun Labs inception: from the home page to cameo appearances in project documentation. He embodies the spirit of computer science and represents my dedication to innovation and problem-solving.

About Chip

Chip’s two great passions are writing elegant, efficient code and experimenting with cutting-edge technology. He loves to tinker, is a life-long learner, and is a true believer in the power of technology to make the world a better place.

A Symbol for Human-Centered Technology

When I founded Railgun Labs, I wanted to blend fun with my passion for technology. And in a world dominated by faceless corporations, I wanted to inject a bit of personality. Chip is the realization of that vision: a friendly face and a symbol for my commitment to accessible, human-centered technology. I hope Chip’s spirit inspires you as much as he inspires me.