Frequently Asked Questions

On this page you will find questions and answers to the most common service related questions.

What is a support incident?

A support incident is a question or bug report relating to software published by Railgun Labs. What constitutes the resolution of a support incident is at the discretion of Railgun.

How do I submit a support incident?

Railgun will provide you an email address to communicate your support incidents.

What should a bug report include?

Bug reports must include a detailed description of the bug as well as a minimal program in source code format that reproduces the bug.

Am I guaranteed a fix for my bug?

Railgun makes a best effort to resolve all bug reports, however, there are no guarantees they will be resolved. Bugs that cannot be resolved will not count as a support incident.

When are payments due?

Railgun requires all payments up-front and in-full for software licensing and support packages. Payment due dates for contract work is negotiable.

What payment methods are accepted?

Railgun uses Stripe to send invoices and collect payments. Most payment methods accepted by Stripe are accepted by Railgun.