Latest Release

Download the source code or prebuilt binaries for your platform:

The latest version of Unicorn is 1.0.5 published on 2025-02-18T21:09:11Z.

Filename Size
unicorn-1.0.5.tar.gz 633 KB
unicorn-amalgamation-1.0.5.tar.gz 347 KB 347 KB

Looking for previous versions? Check the GitHub releases page.

Release Notes

Fixed a bug where functions that populate a character buffer (e.g. uni_norm or uni_caseconv) would fail to null-terminate it. This bug only occurred when the UNI_NULIFY flag was specified, the buffer capacity was a single code unit in size, and it was already populated with a non-null character by the implementation.

Building from Source

Building Unicorn from source requires a C compiler with at least C99 conformance.

Download the source code for Unicorn.

Build with:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

Building with CMake

Install CMake.
Download the source code for Unicorn.

Build with the following or choose a custom generator:

$ cmake -B build
$ cmake --build build
$ cmake --install build