Memory Assertions 🔗

Compare memory blobs.

Assert Macros 🔗

Assert macros fail and abort the test case.

#define ASSERT_MEM_EQ(
X, Y, SX, SY, ...)

Check two memory blocks to determine if X == Y.

#define ASSERT_MEM_NE(
X, Y, SX, SY, ...)

Check two memory blocks to determine if X != Y.

Expect Macros 🔗

Expect macros fail but do not abort the test case.

#define EXPECT_MEM_EQ(
X, Y, SX, SY, ...)

Check two memory blocks to determine if X == Y.

#define EXPECT_MEM_NE(
X, Y, SX, SY, ...)

Check two memory blocks to determine if X != Y.