Judo: Temporary Price Reduction
Posted on 2025-03-05T19:40:00Z #judo
Judo, the high-assurance JSON and JSON5 parser, is currently in release candidate status. This means it is stable and production-ready, but is being held back from a 1.0 release to ensure there are no defects.
As a result, the price for Judo’s business licenses is temporarily discounted.
Why The Discount?
Judo undergoes rigorous testing to ensure high assurance, but it’s always possible a defect could slip through. The price is being temporarily reduced to encourage and reward early adopters.
The v1.0 Release
Barring any issues, Judo will officially release as version 1.0 on July 1st, 2025 (Q3 2025). At that time, the price will return to its full amount, and the discount will no longer be available.
If you’re considering integrating Judo into your project, now is the perfect time!
Happy JSON parsing.