

Convert encoding forms.

Since v1.0
unistat uni_convert(
const void *src, unisize src_len, uniattr src_attr, void *dst, unisize *dst_len, uniattr dst_attr)

Parameters πŸ”—

src in

Input text.

src_len in

Number of code units in src or -1 if src is null terminated.

src_attr in

Attributes of src.

dst out

Will contain the re-encoded src text; can be NULL.

dst_len inout

Code unit capacity of dst on input; number of code units written to dst on output.

dst_attr in

Attributes of dst.

Return Value πŸ”—


On success.


If src or dest_len are NULL.


If src is not well-formed (checks are omitted if src_attr has UNI_TRUST).


If dest is too small.


If the src_attr and dst_attr encoding forms are disabled.

Discussion πŸ”—

Convert the text pointed to by src, which is in the encoding form specified by src_attr, to the encoding specified by dst_attr and write the result to dst. If src_len is -1, then src is assumed to be null terminated.

If dst isn’t large enough to contain the re-encoded src text, then it will be truncated to the nearest code point boundary and UNI_NO_SPACE will be returned. If dst is large enough, then UNI_OK is returned.

If dst is NULL and dst_len is zero, then the implementation writes to dst_len the number of code units in the fully re-encoded text and returns UNI_OK. Call the function this way to compute the total length of the destination buffer before calling it again with a sufficiently sized buffer.

If src_attr and dst_attr are identical, then this function behaves like memcpy.

Examples πŸ”—

This example re-encodes text from UTF-32 to UTF-8. It uses char32_t and 'U' literal strings from C11.

#include <unicorn.h>
#include <uchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    const char32_t in[] = U"πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸš€πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸš€ landed on the πŸŒ• in 1969.";
    char out[64];
    unisize outlen = sizeof(out);

    if (uni_convert(in, -1, UNI_UTF32, out, &outlen, UNI_UTF8) != UNI_OK)
        // something went wrong
        return 1;

    printf("%.*s", outlen, out);
    return 0;