
Meet the Mascot: Dr. Chip Codewell

You might have noticed the bespectacled gentleman wearing the lab coat. That’s Dr. Chip Codewell, the company mascot. Chip has been ever-present since Railgun Labs inception: from the home page to cam…

Judo: Temporary Price Reduction

Judo, the high-assurance JSON and JSON5 parser, is currently in release candidate status. This means it is stable and production-ready, but is being held back from a 1.0 release to ensure there are no…

Audition: Smashing the Limits

I’m excited to announce a new update for Audition that increases the test limit for individual licensees from 500 to 2000 — that’s four times the previous limit! This update comes at no additional cos…

Judo: Embeddable JSON and JSON5 Parser

Today, Railgun Labs is proud to announce Judo – a simple and secure JSON and JSON5 parser written in C99. Judo offers three JSON standards to choose from: The most notable difference between RFC 4627 …

Charisma Goes Libre

Charisma is now available under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPL v3). In this announcement, I'll walk through the key changes, the motivations behind this decision, and what it me…

Improved MISRA Conformance

Railgun Labs is proud to announce that Unicorn and Charisma are now conformant with all four MISRA C:2012 amendments. MISRA published four amendments to the original MISRA C:2012 standard. These amend…

Charisma: Unlock the Magic of Safe Character Decoding

Today, Railgun Labs proudly announces Charisma – a safe Unicode® character decoder and encoder written in C99. Charisma provides functions for decoding and encoding Unicode characters safely in UTF-8,…

Audition v1.0.2 and Unicorn v1.0.2 Released

As I say “Hello, World!” to 2025, I’m excited to share the latest updates for Audition and Unicorn! Audition v1.0.1 refines some meta-information around the project. This update wasn’t about fixing bu…